Robin Wing
Licensed Insurance Agent
Specializing in Long Term Care Insurance Solutions
North Bay Village, FL
Also Licensed in: AL, CA, KS, MD, NC, PA, SC, TX, VA
Main Phone: 352-660-3670
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Click here:About ACSIA Partners LLC
ACSIA Partners LLC is one of the largest distributors of long term care and related insurance products and services in the country. We are dedicated to offering quality long term care education, service and resources for the benefit of the consumer, employers and our agents.
We work closely with the top LTCi companies, complementing their customer service. Through our excellent carrier relationships, we can provide education, planning recommendations and resources that best meet your individual needs.
We understand the financial and emotional stress that caregiving can place on a family. Working with a specialist that can provide solutions for long term care is the key. Long term care may be the single biggest financial risk that most Americans face – it could be the one thing that could force you to spend your retirement savings. ACSIA Partners specializes in analyzing every consumer’s individual needs and financial situation to select the best plan at an affordable premium.
We Provide Unbiased, Side-by-side Comparisons
Of the Leading Carriers in Your State
With Experts Specializing in Long Term Care Solutions!
ACSIA Partners passion is to provide our clients with the best long term care insurance solutions, customized to meet their needs.
Get a Quote Here or Call Robin Wing at 352-660-3670 to review available LTCI DISCOUNTS that may be available in your state.
It was a pleasure working with Robin regarding Long Term Health Insurance. The session was very informative and enlightening. Long Term Care at least with us was on the very back burner. There are… Read More
John and Andrea C VA